Tuesday 18 December 2012

Reflection for making poster (IT subject)

This is it! Our poster project, using Adobe Photoshop CS5. Alhamdulillah, finished. Nice right? :D
Credited to:

Reflection video making task (IT subject)


Today, we have reached the last class of Instructional Technology. Too many things we have learned discovered, understood but there are many other things yet to be explored. Our dear lecturer has been helping us a lot and not to mention, she’s a very patience educator.
The more important question here, what have we learned and what have we mastered in Instructional Technology subject throughout the fourteen weeks? The first thing we remembered, we were introduced to the graphics editing program of Adobe Photoshop. Dr Sharifah showed us few skills and tips of image editing which was something new to some of us. We were asked to make a poster and magazine using this software. We believe every group had put a lot of effort to produce a great poster. There are few comments made regarding this Adobe Photoshop lesson which was they said it was quite challenging. To be honest, if we willing to explore and learn by our heart, some might be surprised because it could be a piece of cake when we practiced over and over again. Adobe Photoshop is very useful for teachers-to-be because we need it to create our own material when we are going to teach someday. The next task that Dr Sharifah assigned to us was making a short video of instructional. For this task, we were using the very basic video editing that can be accessed easily which was Windows Movie Maker. From all the videos presented by fellow classmates, it can be said this task had make us developed our movie-making skills. Windows Movie Maker is friendly user and quite beneficial to future teachers like us. Last but not least, making a blog. We are pretty sure some of us here already have experiences of making a blog. The importance of blog is since it can be easily accessed, we could use it to convey the extra knowledge to our students in the future.
The assessment of Instructional Technology is satisfactory.
Instructional Technology syllabus is fun but there is always room for improvements. With all due respect, we have discussed this issue with other classmates and suggest that magazine task should be a group work project whilst the poster should be individual assignment.
One of the learning theories that can be applied for this subject is constructivism where we learn through observation and where our lecturer is more like a guider. We construct understanding and knowledge through experiencing things and reflecting on those experiences at all the tasks given.

yes :D

alhamdulillah, siap jugak intro blog kami ^_^


may Allah bless you all.